By considering the family Rubiaceae, there is many species with valuable secondary
metabolites which can be used as anticancer and cytotoxic agents. Some of the plants are well
known for camptothecin, genipin, genipodide, cisplatin, kaempterol, erithrodiole, quinine,
caffeine, polyphenole, ursolicacid and phenolic compounds as anticancer agents. Cancer is a
dreadful disease, and combating this disease is of great importance to public health.
Phytochemical examination has been making rapid progress, and herbal products are becoming
popular as sources of plausible anticancer compounds. The Rubiaceae members inhibit cancer in
different human cell lines including A549, MCF-7, HeLa etc. by suppressing cell cycle and
promoting apoptosis. The major plants which show the property are Anthocephalus, Gardenia,
Cinchona, Ixora, Chassalia, Coffea, Morinda etc..